New Releases

Living Now, Evergreen Award

Buddha’s Light Publications is proud togolden-award announce that Embracing Nature has earned the coveted Living Now (Evergreen) award.  These awards are given to books deemed to have a positive impact on the environment and social well-being.



EmbraciCP, Embracing Nature 001ng Nature

Is a new release from Venerable Master Hsing Yun regarding Buddhism’s relationship to nature, and the importance of nature to Buddhism.


There has been a consistent connection between Buddhism and the environment since ancient times. Harmony with plants and animals has always played an important role in the stories that transmitted Buddhism across the world. In the past, other authors have treated this role lightly, a bit part in a play. Master Hsing Yun assembled a collection of these stories for you in this volume and his revelation is that nature is the star of the show. There is serious urgency to his message, in our world today we have to start appreciating plants and animals or our planet will be ruined.

Follow the link below:
Embracing Nature


What in BrieCP, What in Brief 001f is Buddhism

Is a re-release of the original pan-Buddhist historic narrative written the influential Buddhist studies figure Dr. Ananda Guruge.


WHAT IN BRIEF IS BUDDHISM? looks at the great religious system of Buddhism diachronically on a historical timeline, and synchronically as a widespread heritage of humankind as it enters the new millennium.  The explanation of Buddhism in its diverse forms is enriched by the addition of an anthology of Buddhist texts, a brief dictionary of Buddhist terms, and a select bibliography.

Follow the link below:

What in Brief is Buddhism?



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